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Admin • Nov 04, 2019
Facebook Mobile Platform | Manteca, CA | Legacy Local Impact
Your Facebook page: it’s your company’s digital doorstep. Whether you’re setting up a new home page for your brand or trying to ensure that your existing one is as good as possible, you know that quality is everything, and it’s essential to ensure your page reflects your business to its absolute best.

The question, then, is how?

Remembering that Facebook sees nearly 2 billion monthly active users, you know that it’s essential to put your best digital foot forward and ensure that your customers are getting what they need from your page.

To put this another way, if your Facebook page isn’t displaying a comprehensive strategy designed to get you liked, noticed, engaged with, and followed, you’re missing out.

Here’s what you need to know about creating a professional, high-quality Facebook page:


First things first: why is your Facebook page so important? If you’re still waiting to understand the value of Facebook for business, here are a few things you need to know about the platform and its significance:
  • Facebook is the most popular social network site for marketers. Facebook is the top social channel for marketers. With more than 80% of marketers using the platform, it’s clear that not being on Facebook simply won’t do. In addition to so many people being on Facebook, marketers also overwhelmingly state that Facebook is one of the most effective marketing channels they use, with 73% of marketers saying it’s very useful.
  • Facebook is a significant driver of social media referral traffic. If you’re going to use a social media platform to gain social media referrals, Facebook is a great option. In 2014, for example, Facebook drove nearly 25% of all social media referrals, compared to the combined 31.24% driven by other social media sites.
  • Facebook offers the opportunity to create and distribute engaging social content. Facebook provides a high level of organic outreach, which makes it a perfect platform for learning how to engage and connect with your fans truly. If you’re just getting started on social media interaction, Facebook is the ideal way to master the art and connect more meaningfully.
  • Facebook hosts more than 40 million small business pages. Today, small business pages abound on Facebook. This means that anyone who wants to get noticed has to hop on the platform and participate. If most companies are using at least three social networking sites, it goes without saying that Facebook should have a place on the list.


Now that you know why Facebook matters so much, let’s talk about what you can do to ensure your page looks professional, beautiful, and worthy of engagement:


Facebook Login | Manteca, CA | Legacy Local Impact
If you’re operating your “business” page from a personal profile, you need to alter the approach. While a personal page is great for your personal life, using a Facebook business page will put you at a larger advantage.

Not only do business Facebook pages offer access to content creation tools, paid promotional opportunities, and all the analytics and insights you need, but a professional profile will also create a verified page that looks more professional and boosts the confidence of potential customers. Once you’ve established a Facebook business page, use these tips to optimize it:
  • Choose the right name. Your Facebook business page should be your business name, nothing else, nothing less.
  • Customize your vanity URL. Change the default URL on your page to reflect your company’s name. As a general rule, the vanity URL should match your page’s title. Not only will this improve findability, but it’ll look more personalized and professional.
  • Complete your profile. Your profile picture, cover photo, bio, and profile should all contain up-to-date information and should reflect the professionalism of your brand. Keep in mind that consistency is key here and that your main visuals should all match one another.


Business Conversation | Manteca, CA | Legacy Local Impact
Your cover photo should do much of the legwork associated with your business. Since the cover photo takes the majority of your “above the fold” space on your page, it’s essential to choose one that reflects your brand and engages your viewer. Keep in mind that you can also be nimble with your cover photo as you launch new promotions, seasonal sales, and products.

A tip for Facebook cover photo success? Cover photo guidelines change frequently, so it’s important to keep your eye on your page to make sure the dimensions match. When you keep your visuals within the official guidelines, you’ll have a better chance of them being high-quality and visible.


Man Teaching the Two Woman | Manteca, CA | Legacy Local Impact
A call-to-action, or CTA, is an essential part of your Facebook page. After launching the CTA feature back in 2014, Facebook has vastly expanded the options for adding CTAs to your brand page.

Today, you can choose from a variety of options like “sign up,” and “book now,” Each CTA can be customized with a piece of content or destination URL of your choice. These CTAs are a great way to increase traffic and get more views on the Facebook content business owners want to focus on.


Man Looking at His Phone | Manteca, CA | Legacy Local Impact
One of the most important pieces of your successful page: the “About” section. Often, one of the first places a potential customer will go for more information about you and your business. It is important to outline your value proposition and mission statement clearly, and create biographies of you and your team.

Make sure it’s detailed and engaging as it is meant to build rapport between you and your new customer.


Taking a Picture of the Food | Manteca, CA | Legacy Local Impact
It is time to add some content. Photos and videos are an effective medium to communicate your message and engage your visitors. Visual content is 40x more likely to be shared than any other types of content, and it’s essential for you to focus on this area as you work on creating brand-specific content.

Make sure you post often content that is relevant, quality, and speaks to your brand. Don’t forget to have some fun!


In today’s business environment, your Facebook page is integral to your success. These simple guidelines can elevate your brand and further drive sales all while helping you connect you to your customer base.


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Your Facebook page: you’ve worked hard to build it from the ground up, transforming an ill-trafficked skeleton into an empire. Today, you’ve got ample likes, lots of traffic, and great content generating all of the above. Your question now becomes how to make all those metrics work for you. The answer is monetization: adjusting your Facebook profile, so it drives income from things like clicks, likes, and conversions. Easier said than done? Think again. In this post, we’ll share our top tips for monetizing your Facebook page this year. Let’s get started.
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Video content marketing. Old hat, right? Boring, useless, not the slightest bit engaging, and definitely totally without value for your customers. Ask anyone, and they’ll tell you that you only engage in video content if you want people to notice you. And who wants that, right? Don’t worry, though. We’re here to save you. Here are the top reasons to avoid video content marketing this year:
By Admin 04 Dec, 2019
It’s every marketer’s worst nightmare: Churn. It’s what happens when customers, who are notoriously fickle with their loyalties, come to a company, only to leave eventually for your competitor. If you’ve experienced this, it’s probably not specifically about your company. Every company experiences churn. Customers are easy to lose, and that’s just a fact of marketing. Today, experts estimate that out of 26 unhappy customers , only one will complain directly to your company. The rest will simply leave. This may lead you to wonder what you’re doing wrong, why your customers are leaving for your competition, and how you can improve your level of customer service. If you’re asking these questions, you’re not alone. This post is designed to help you understand how to retain customers, why they leave, and what you can do to stop at the whole churn cycle.
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Did you know that Halloween is currently worth more than $9 billion annually? Today, customers are spending more money than they ever have before on all things Halloween. This includes Halloween costumes, decorations, candy, and events. Because of this, you can’t afford to miss out on everything this exciting holiday has to offer. Even if you don’t exactly sell plastic cobwebs or fake zombies, Halloween can represent a real opportunity for your brand and your bottom line. Here’s what you need to know about how you can make the holiday work for you:
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Once upon a time, companies only had to worry about responding to the needs and desires of shareholders. Times have changed. Today, customers expect more of companies than ever before, and they want to know that the brands they work with are supporting causes and missions that are important to them. To this end, modern customers tend to support companies who are involved in their local communities. That, then, begs the following question: what does it mean to be involved in your local community? The answer, of course, is varied. Being involved in the local community can mean anything from sponsoring local 5Ks to volunteering for causes and hosting outreach booths at related organizations and companies. If you’re interested in driving more business and expanding your reach, here’s what you need to know about getting (and staying) involved in your local community.
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Today, social media is synonymous with online marketing. If you’re looking for a way to improve your brand’s online presence and encourage more people to interact with your company, engaging on social media is one of the best things you can do. It’s also important to remember, though, that social media is a very crowded field, and standing out requires getting creative. The more you can set yourself apart from the competition, the better you’ll fare. One of the best ways to do this is simple: brand your images on social media. Here’s what you need to know about this straightforward approach, and how doing it can improve your efforts, both now and in the future.
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Building a website for your business is a great way to attract new customers and keep in touch with old ones. What many business owners miss, though, is that customers expect certain things from your website. This is not a one-way relationship. If you’re going to build a website, you need to ensure that it offers the things that your customers expect to find. Here’s an overview of the top five things customers want to see on your website and will leave if they can’t.
By Admin 04 Jun, 2019
Today, there are more than 2.23 billion monthly Facebook users . This represents an 11% increase from last year. In case you had any doubts about the functionality of Facebook, this statistic should put it right to rest. As if that weren’t enough, there are also 1.15 billion people using Facebook on their mobile device each day, which represents an increase of 23% from last year. With all these people on Facebook, we’ve got one question: what are they coming to learn? If you’re not familiar with Facebook as a platform, or you’re working on ways to make your interaction on the network more functional and effective, the first step is understanding what these people (or at least your portion of these people) want from you. What are they coming to your page to learn? How can you give it to them as effective as possible? What can you do to make your interactions on the platform more effective and straightforward? Here’s your complete breakdown.
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